About Us

Professor Myint Han
M.B.,B.S, M.Med.Sc (Int.Med), MRCP (UK), FRCP (Edin), Dip.Med.Edu
President, Myanmar Society of Hypertension (MMSH)

Since the establishment of Myanmar Society of Hypertension (MMSH) in the year 2019, society has been implementing aims and objectives of the MMHS, focusing on public health education on Hypertension and continuing medical education for doctors during first year. As such, Public health education in Yangon and Mandalay were successfully conducted with significant and active participation of local people. However due to the Covid (19 situation in Myanmar, many scheduled public health activities like screening of hypertension and provision of treatment in other places outside Yangon region are postponed until now.

In order to continue the MMSH’s activities in spite of many restrictions, society has chosen Media platforms utilizing online Webinar and MMHS facebook page to disseminate information and education to the public as well as conducting series of academic symposiums for medical profession. Furthermore, MMSH has been working hard to develop National Guidelines on Hypertension which is now in final stage of drafting. As far as membership status is concerned, over 270 members have already joined the society and recruitment of new member is going on.

As a president of society, I would like to welcome new members to join us and work together with us to battle against Hypertension. At this point, I would also like to urge members to focus on screening of hypertension in the public as many people with high blood pressure remain undiagnosed. In addition to screening, optimal individualized drug treatment along with lifestyle modifications to achieve target blood pressure should be practiced in treating hypertensive patients to reduce complications effectively.

I am taking this opportunity to express my deepest gratitude to the patrons of MMSH for their time and efforts in foundation of society and their leadership role in the society. I also highly appreciate the members of Hypertension Guidelines Development Committee for their great contribution to guideline development. I acknowledge executive members, secretaries and treasures and all the members for their active involvement. Furthermore, I would like to thank pharmaceutical companies for their great contribution and supports in many activities of society. I strongly believe that with combined efforts of society, it’s partner organizations together with participation of public will significantly reduce the burden of Hypertension in Myanmar.



Public health education on Hypertension.


Reduction in prevalence of Hypertension.


Provision of effective treatment for patients with Hypertension.


Reduction in complications of Hypertension.



Development and regular updating of Myanmar National Guidelines on Hypertension.


Conducting scientific talks, symposiums, and panel discussions on Hypertension management.


Public health education on Hypertension to celebrate World Hypertension Day every year and on other occasions.


Research in Hypertension.


Collaboration with Ministry of Health and Sports, W.H.O Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs) projects in prevention and treatment of Hypertension.


Collaboration with other NCD Organizations related to Hypertension.


Collaboartion with regional and international Hypertension Societies.


Provision of treatment for patients with Hypertension.


Seeking technical, material and financial assistance from international organizations for health educaion, prevention and treatment of Hypertension.


Establishment of Myanmar Hypertension Association (or) Myanmar Hypertension Foundation in the future wihich includes not only doctors but also nurses, medical technicians, Pharmaceutical producers, media and public.

Myanmar Society of Hypertension (MMSH)

+959 443 740 541

MMA Office, No. 249, Theinbyu Road, Mingalar Taung Nyunt Tsp, Yangon.

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